Frustrated by too many hours spent searching for tools? Not satisfied with your techs' turnaround time? Our customers felt the same way before they came to CVI for help. Through our unique 6-step process, we were able to help our customers boost productivity and make their vehicles safer. Find out how several contractors and business owners took control of their efficiency and safety with a commercial upfit; view the Before & After Stories below.
It's competitive out there. Take work to another level with a custom van upfit.
If you're wasting time inside your van (looking for tools, replacing shifted cargo), it's time to figure out a better way to work.
The way you organize your work van impacts how efficient you are on the job. Time is money, and you don't have either to waste. Instead of battling your work van, organize it, and change how you work.
"We didn't really have a system or process we followed, so our organization wasn't optimized."
"We've shaved a lot of time off our routine jobs. Our techs are happier, too, because they have a system now."
"Before the upfit, I didn't realize how much time I wasted just looking for tools or parts."
"Productivity has gone through the roof."
"Optimizing our company work van was never a priority, until we started losing jobs to more efficient competition."
"We worked with CVI to figure out the most efficient way to organize our work vans. The process was worth it; we've already seen an increase in efficiency."